New Baby Necessities
- westsidemommy
- June 25, 2019
- baby
- products
My kids are over five years apart. By the time I got pregnant with my second, I didn’t have much baby stuff left. Thankfully, I have a wonderful network of mom-friends who supplied me with maternity clothes, baby clothes, and baby items. Even though it was offered, I declined a baby shower, due to pregnancy […]
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Brands to buy your tall baby
- westsidemommy
- June 23, 2016
- Bethany Phillips
- clothing
- products
- shopping
- suggestions
- Tall
A few months into mom-hood, I befriended two wonderful moms who had babies born days apart from my child. It was also a nice surprise to learn one of the moms, Bethany Phillips, gave birth to her son Reese at the same hospital I gave birth to my daughter! It amuses us to see the contrast our kids’ […]
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Potty-centric products that interest my child
- westsidemommy
- February 2, 2016
- potty
- products
My daughter is almost three. She is not potty trained yet and is mildly showing interest in using the potty. The “process” has been very long. I can say it’s because I’ve read articles written by pediatric urologists about waiting until your child is three and the dangers of potty training too early, but I will also admit sheer laziness. […]
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Westside Mommy Picks: Best Diaper Bags
- westsidemommy
- November 24, 2015
- best of
- diaper bag
- products
- shopping
Like most moms, the diaper bag replaced my purse. When my daughter was very young, I was naive and oftentimes packed more than I needed. The bag I started using at the time wasn’t even a diaper bag, but I liked it…until it got ratty and smelly, which proved it wasn’t meant to be used […]
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5 Things You Need to Label if you have a Toddler
- westsidemommy
- September 28, 2015
- helpful
- labeldaddy
- labels
- product
- products
- toddler
I didn’t realize how important it is to label things until my daughter became a toddler. Before, I was able to keep everything contained in one place and I knew which items were mine. Now, she runs everywhere and its easier to lose things. I thought I was pretty smart and frugal by using peel […]
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Tea with Mamas & Papas: Chestnut Tweed Urbo 2 Stroller Debut
- westsidemommy
- March 23, 2015
- MamasAndPapas
- products
- stroller
- tea
- TheLondonWeHo
- Urbo2ChestnutTweed
Today, I attended a delicious Tea at The London Hotel, hosted by Mamas & Papas, a British baby product brand. It was the U.S. debut of their latest signature stroller, the Chestnut Tweed Urbo2. I wish I knew about this brand for my baby registry, because their products are fantastic. The Chestnut Tweed Urbo2 combines […]
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