Sweater Weather
- westsidemommy
- November 25, 2017
- clothing
- sweater
- winter
Even though the temperatures are in their 90s this week in L.A., it is still officially “sweater weather” in my book – mainly because I’m heading East next month, where it’s freezing! I realize my wardrobe needs a re-haul, so I went online to see which sweater styles I like the best. Here are some […]
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Earth Angels conscious clothing and classes in West L.A.
- westsidemommy
- August 14, 2017
- Classes
- clothing
- earthangels
- resale
- shopping
- westLA
- yoga
**UPDATE: EARTH ANGELS CLOSED IT’S DOORS. IT’S NO LONGER A BUSINESS AT THIS LOCATION** Located on the Pico Corridor in West L.A. is Earth Angels – a boutique-style resale store offering unique clothing, toys, classes, and more. Locals may remember this place as “Kidstock Resale Clothing,” but it recently changed owners, and received a makeover in […]
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Brands to buy your tall baby
- westsidemommy
- June 23, 2016
- Bethany Phillips
- clothing
- products
- shopping
- suggestions
- Tall
A few months into mom-hood, I befriended two wonderful moms who had babies born days apart from my child. It was also a nice surprise to learn one of the moms, Bethany Phillips, gave birth to her son Reese at the same hospital I gave birth to my daughter! It amuses us to see the contrast our kids’ […]
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Kids’ Clothing/Item Swap Presented by MOM’s Club of Santa Monica
- westsidemommy
- September 16, 2014
- clothing
- clothingswap
- kids
- share
- swap
This is a great way to save money by sharing clothes your children have outgrown with others in the community. I went to this event earlier this year and got some really cute outfits for my daughter. In addition, I got a lot of good basics like onesies for her to wear around the house, […]
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Fashion Trends and where to find them by guest contributor Maria Aldana
- westsidemommy
- April 9, 2014
- blogs
- clothing
- fashion
- maria aldana
- mysweetpotatoe
- seattle
- trend
I asked my fashion-educated, stylish friend and fellow mommy Maria Aldana to be a guest contributor for this series of questions to revamp my wardrobe. She always looked great during her pregnancy, and she is just as stylish today. I’ve added some links from Amazon for additional inspiration. This is part 4 of a 4 part series. Love, Ruby (Westside […]
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